2017 Suburban Steader Update – Week 01

The first week of 2017 is upon us and it’s time to start updating you on the Suburban Steader Homestead.  I’ve been thinking quite a bit lately about what I was going to write about here and I figured I’d break it down into three things: what I did this week, what I aim to do next week and long-term projects/thoughts.  So, let’s get going!

This Week’s Milestones

This week was kind of slow.  It was a holiday week with New Year’s Day being Sunday.  That means we took it easy and relaxed.  I did get some internal work done around the homestead and knocked off a few “Honey Do’s.”  Mrs. Suburban Steader (still haven’t decided if I’m going to introduce real names here for my wife and kids) wanted some new shades hung in the third bedroom and the girls’ room.  I took care of that and, to be honest, it felt good to get the tools out again.  It’s always fun to run your drill and get your house looking nice.

Other than that, I cooked a nice Penne Alla Vodka dinner for New Year’s and taught my daughter how to make it.  She loved it!  Here’s a picture of her getting the sausage browned up:

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I also got to have breakfast with my good buddy Mike over at The Backyard Pioneer.  It’s always a good time when two like-minded guys get to bond over steak and eggs!

On the blog front, I got an article up which reviewed Jim Cobb’s book titled Prepper’s Armed Defense.  Good book overall!  And I was able to get a video review of the Kershaw Oso Sweet Pocketknife up on my YouTube channel.  It’s embedded below for your viewing pleasure!

[youtube_sc url=”9VMwI0_0iiI” width=”400″]

I didn’t do much more around the homestead other than the typical husband/father stuff.  Have to put a little plug in for one of my girls – she rocked it at her lacrosse clinic.  Definitely building up to be one of the tougher girls on my team!

I did get to play with my spokeshave a little bit in the shop.  More to just test it out than do anything with it.  I can see a few woodworking projects in the future with that toy.

Next Week’s Goals

Next week is going to be more of the same.  The weather is supposed to get worse here so I’ll probably be firing up the snowblower and making sure that works.  I’ll also be building up my gas preps since I just got another 5-gallon can in the other day.  Almost at a full year rotation.  We’ve got basketball this weekend with the kids.

On the blog front, I’ll be working on my next article (I think you guys will like it) as well as putting together a video or two.  I really like the video editing process.  Not so much the filming.  That is probably due to the fact that I don’t like seeing myself on film.

Oh, and I might wax my snowboard! Got a trip coming up I need to prep for!

Long Term Plans

I really hate this time of year – the indoor projects are boring and there’s nothing to do outside.  The gardens are asleep and it’s too early to plant seedlings.  That being said, I need to look into onions soon as I think I need to get them going.  With the basement remodel we just went through, I lost my seed starting area.  I’m going to have to figure out where that’s going to go and how to get it setup.  More fun.

At this point, the long-term plans involve continuing/finishing our interior remodel – we have a few small touches left in the basement – and planning for spring.  I have to figure out what I’m going to plant this year!

OK, so that’s it! The first week of 2017 is in the books and, despite any blockbuster announcements, it’s been a good one.  I’m looking forward to what this year will bring and how this site will grow.


Did you like this article? Let me know in the comments.  Also, let me know below if there’s something you want me to talk about on a weekly basis in these posts.  I’m currently free-flowing these articles – almost like a journal – so there’s definitely room to shape and contort them as you all see fit!

Thanks for reading!

 Weekly Upate - 2017 - Week 01