How To Make Scratch Pancakes

How To Make Scratch Pancakes

When you think of rustic, homestead-style cooking what is the first kind of breakfast you think of? If you’re like me, the first things that pop into your head are eggs, bacon and scratch pancakes. Yes, I know I talked about how I try to eat as Paleo-centric as possible in this post.  That being

ALTAI MF Tactical Boots Product Review

ALTAI MF Tactical Boots Product Review

Boots are a key component to any suburban homesteaders closet. Whether you’re working in the yard, shoveling the driveway, hiking, hunting, fishing or just hanging around, keeping your feet warm and dry is essential to being comfortable. In today’s post, we see if the ALTAI FM Tactical Boots meet the demands of today’s suburban homesteader.

Guest Post: Prepping for The Now – Debt Reduction

Guest Post: Prepping for The Now – Debt Reduction

Whether you’re a suburban homesteader, ranch owner or a city dweller, being a prepper is about possessing a particular mindset that governs each of your decisions. It means utilizing each resource to the max, never discarding a resource that can provide some value someday, and staying in the moment while also preparing for the future.

Compost On Your Suburban Homestead

Compost On Your Suburban Homestead

What comes to mind when you hear the word compost? Do you think of some stinky pile where food scraps get thrown and flies live? If that’s what comes to mind then you need to know something – you’re doing it wrong! Compost is a decidedly simple yet effective process that anyone on a small

June Preview – Project TWH

June Preview – Project TWH

First, let me apologize. The end of May and June were a crazy time around the Suburban Steader Homestead. I don’t really feel like going into detail, but a lot of family issues came up. Long story short, everyone is happy and healthy(er) now, so we’re moving on. And, while it’s early June, we’re going

Teamwork On The Suburban Homestead

Teamwork On The Suburban Homestead

When you hear the word homesteading, even suburban homesteading, I’m sure one of the your first thoughts is of complete self-sufficiency. You dream of being able to completely provide for your family in all aspects of life, right? Unfortunately, that’s just not realistic. You can’t do everything yourself, whether you’re on 40-acres or a little

Mulch and Your Suburban Homestead

Mulch and Your Suburban Homestead

If you’ve been following Project TWH and implementing the suggestions on your own homestead, you most likely have a nice summer garden planted. And, if you have your summer garden planted, you’ve probably experienced weeding which is one of the downsides of a garden. Fortunately, we have the solution to your weed problems – mulch!

Nutrition For The Suburban Homesteader

Nutrition For The Suburban Homesteader

I know what you’re thinking. Nutrition? This is a blog about suburban homesteading! What does nutrition have to do with that? The short answer is: a lot! Think about it this way: you are the engine that gets work done around your suburban homestead and the food you eat is your fuel. Remember how the gas

Plant Your Summer Garden

Plant Your Summer Garden

If you’ve been following Project TWH, you’ve learned how to find room to homestead, performed a suburban homestead site survey, planned your summer garden and maybe even used the kill mulch technique to get your garden area ready. Now it’s time to really get your suburban homestead moving in the right direction – we’re going

May Preview – Project TWH

May Preview – Project TWH

May is lining up to be an interesting month at the Suburban Steader Homestead. In the May Preview of Project TWH, we’ll talk about a lot of things that may seem unrelated. A few are pure homesteading activities and a few are more general approaches to the suburban homesteading lifestyle. It’s an interesting mix of