DIY Battery Storage Cabinet

DIY Battery Storage Cabinet

Successful suburban homesteading hinges on your ability to quickly solve problems.  More often than not, those problems involve fixing or replacing something.  On a more remote homestead, this may mean big projects like fixing broken fences, solving leaky roofs and clearing large lots of lands.  In the suburbs, the day-to-day problems are typically a bit

Winter EDC Upgrade Overview

Winter EDC Upgrade Overview

With the impending Snowmaggedon bearing in on the Northeast – well, that’s what the meteorologists would like you to think – I thought it was a good idea to do a little winter EDC upgrade to make sure I’m covered no matter what happens. Winter EDC Upgrade Methodology I’m fortunate in the fact that I

EDC Tier 2 – Necessary Tools

EDC Tier 2 – Necessary Tools

I’ve previously discussed tiered EDC methodology as well as what I consider ‘must have’ EDC items.  Continuing with the EDC series, I’ll discuss items on my EDC Tier 2 list which are commonly considered ‘necessary tools’ in an EDC environment.    These items are on my body 98% of the time and, while I don’t

Spicy Penne alla Vodka Recipe

Spicy Penne alla Vodka Recipe

I spent some time this weekend cooking for the family and decided to make one of my favorite dishes – penne alla vodka. While it’s not one of the most rustic dishes I’ve ever made, I did use a cast iron skillet to make it so it has some ‘suburban homesteading credibility!’ I have made

Hike Recon: How To Prep For Your Next Hike

Hike Recon: How To Prep For Your Next Hike

If you were ever in Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, you are familiar with the “Be Prepared” motto. It’s a good concept to follow throughout all aspects of life. One of the most important places to be prepared is when you’re heading out into the wilderness, away from the conveniences of civilization. Whether you’re heading

Prepping With Kids – It’s The Little Things

Prepping With Kids – It’s The Little Things

Prepping can be a lot of things – a means of survival, a way to keep your family safe or simply a fun hobby with a beneficial outcome.  Sometimes preppers, especially those of use with kids, can get so consumed with the big picture that we forget the simple fact that prepping with kids means

Prepping 101: Financial Independence

Prepping 101: Financial Independence

I want to let you in on a dirty little secret about prepping: it ain’t cheap! Once you get through your “Oh, crap!” moment, you’re going to do the same thing I did. You’ll realize that there’s a whole lot of action you need to take and a fair amount of things you need to

Streamlight Stylus Pro Product Review

Streamlight Stylus Pro Product Review

Light – it’s the often the difference between getting out of a dangerous situation and running into big problems. Be it fire or pure illumination, light is a key ‘must have’ in most precarious situations. From an EDC perspective, the need for light is almost a mandatory. In order to meet that requirement, I carry

Prepping 101: Overview

Prepping 101: Overview

Up until about a year ago, I was walking around dumb and happy. Life was pretty good – I had a good job, a nice house and a wonderful family. I could afford to live quite comfortably. Then Hurricane Sandy hit Long Island on October 29, 2012. We’re Not Ready I was one of the Relaunched Relaunched

At the beginning of 2013, Jack Spirko from The Survival Podcast launched a new site called  The original intention of this website was to provide a location for folks to document their 13-in-13 Challenge results.  What is the 13-in-13 Challenge you say?  Good question.  Jack explains it better than I can: The 13 in