Homesteading And The Debt Free Lifestyle

Homesteading And The Debt Free Lifestyle

It’s difficult being an urban homesteader. In order to make it, you need to be independent.  Independence can mean many things, but a lot of people think of owning a good amount of land.  So what is a poor city inhabitant who longs for the country life supposed to do? Become debt free! Going Debt

Prepping: 7 Reasonable Things You Should Do

Prepping: 7 Reasonable Things You Should Do

Riots, EMP threats, NASA’s megadrought, clashes between religious fanatics, the U.S. debt increasing and the coming elections – all of these situations point to the same thing: the world may go down south at any time. I’m not saying they will – I hope they won’t – but are we really crazy for prepping for them? Our minds

Small Yard Garden Organization Ideas

Small Yard Garden Organization Ideas

Just because you have a small yard does not mean you have to give up on gardening. With a little work, some money, and a few imaginative ideas (we take care of that), you can make a great small yard garden out of nothing. It does not matter whether you want to plant veggies, herbs, or

Survival Foods: What Are The Top Six?

Survival Foods: What Are The Top Six?

You will not have the luxury of eating what you feel like when a catastrophe hits. In such situations, you should know what survival foods are best in terms of nourishment, vitality, energy and taste.  They should be also easy to carry around in case you need to bug out. Here is a list of six

Tactical Gear: The Best For Every Situation

Tactical Gear: The Best For Every Situation

The term tactical means “concerning to or constituting tactics.” Tactical is more a mindset than an accessory. This is also known as a tactical mindset. When you think this way, you’ll realize that your tactical gear should be centered on your tactics to save your life. Before you plan to buy tactical gear, you need to reconsider

Energy Efficiency: 10 Way To Increase It & Save Money At Home

Energy Efficiency: 10 Way To Increase It & Save Money At Home

Every single saved cent matters these days which is why you should increase your home’s energy efficiency as much as possible. You can increase your home’s energy efficiency in many other ways – from improving your bathroom eco-friendliness to redoing home insulation – even though we are in the age of the renewable energy and economical

7 Survival and Prepping Hacks

7 Survival and Prepping Hacks

The prepping population knows their stuff. Knowing your stuff is sort of the name of the game when it comes to preparing for the worst. It’s necessary to be innovative, resourceful and aware in order to be in control when life as we know it changes drastically. There are many different ways that this scenario

Tactical Gear – Care For Long Life

Tactical Gear – Care For Long Life

Extending the life of your tactical gear is very essential, their ‘costliness’ being the main reason. Replacing them or buying new ones may not always be possible. So, it becomes important for you to take care them as well as possible. The question arises here as how to take care of this precious gear? Have

Prepper’s Natural Medicine (Book Review)

Prepper’s Natural Medicine (Book Review)

Natural medicine is something you will invariably hear about as you get involved in the prepping community.  We, as a general society, have become very dependent on conventional medicine – doctors, hospitals, pharmacists, etc.  If a SHTF scenario ever happens, we’ll need to be able to take care of ourselves both from a conventional medicine

Urban Farming: No Farm Farming

Urban Farming: No Farm Farming

Many people graduate from college and just sit year after year wondering what their calling is. If you are looking to make a difference in the world and find that the typical 9-to-5 isn’t making the cut, then perhaps it’s time to take a look at farming, specifically urban farming. “What if I don’t have land?”