10 Uncommon SHTF Paracord Uses

10 Uncommon SHTF Paracord Uses

I don’t know anyone involved with preparedness and survival that hasn’t heard of, seen or even purchased paracord. Be it a survival bracelet or a 100ft coil, you stow it in your Bug Out Bag for an emergency situation. I am a strong believer that you should know HOW to use each and every single piece

7 Tips To Prepare Your Apartment From Home Invasion

7 Tips To Prepare Your Apartment From Home Invasion

Bugging out may be the best option for most of us when disaster strikes, but we should also consider bugging in as a worthy alternative. It may be the only option in some circumstances such as a home invasion. If you decide to stay put, you need to make sure your home (house, apartment, etc) is prepared

Sanitation Post SHTF – Keep Clean When It Counts

Sanitation Post SHTF – Keep Clean When It Counts

Hurricane season is quickly approaching here on the East Coast.  Unfortunately, for many East Coasters, these storms are common weather phenomenons that impact the lives of millions each year. Depending on where you live, some of the destruction caused by them may result in local flooding.  The impacts of such an event can be widespread,

Bug-Out Vehicles: Crazy Ideas For Crazy Times

Bug-Out Vehicles: Crazy Ideas For Crazy Times

Before we begin this somewhat unusual article, let me assure you of one thing: I haven’t lost my mind. A good ole diesel Ford F250 is probably one of the best bug-out vehicles for most of us and you probably don’t need any of these crazy bug-out vehicles. What I’m trying to do here is

Fire Safety – Preparing for Anything

Fire Safety – Preparing for Anything

There are over 1 million fires reported in the US every year according to the NFPA. These fires lead to about 15,000 injuries and 3,000 deaths. Given these numbers, fire safety is of utmost concern – especially in a SHTF scenario. Preparing for a fire and having the tools necessary to suppress the flames and evacuate

Prepper’s Financial Guide (Book Review)

Prepper’s Financial Guide (Book Review)

Financial freedom is something I often preach about here on Suburban Steader. All suburban homesteaders can benefit from being free of financial burden.  How do you get there?  There are lots of ways to go about it.  You can get quite overwhelmed with all the different ways to get to financial independence.  Jim Cobb’s latest offering, Prepper’s

The Survival Savvy Family (Book Review)

The Survival Savvy Family (Book Review)

Julie Sczerbinki’s latest offering – The Survival Savvy Family: How To Be Your Best During The Absolute Worst – is different than most survival and preparedness books. Most are written from a gloom-and-doom, the-world-is-about-to-end point of view. Those books and the skills described in them have their place. I, however, enjoy survival based books which

Kitchen Composter: Inexpensive Build For Under The Sink

Kitchen Composter: Inexpensive Build For Under The Sink

Winters in the Northeast are cold and snowy.  This year was extreme in both regards, even by our standards.  This kind of weather does not lend itself that well to compost pile access.  Ours was under snow for about two months and frozen solid for even longer.  We built a worm bin in order to keep

Fresh Pasta From Your Preps

Fresh Pasta From Your Preps

Let’s be honest with each other – the idea of eating from your preps is probably not all that appealing, right?  I mean, you’ve canned food and all kinds of freeze dried stuff that, while edible, isn’t usually that tasty.  But, what if I told you that you could have tasty fresh pasta right from

7 Survival Ideas You Never Thought About

7 Survival Ideas You Never Thought About

There’s no doubt that preparing for an SHTF scenario is not something you can do in a week or two. It takes time, a little bit of money and a little bit of work. Only problem is that the more we know, the more we feel like we know. So we start absorbing information like